September 27, 2006
For immediate release
Attention: Business/Energy Editors
PIAC Report: Require local electricity retailers use renewable sources
(OTTAWA)—The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) today released a report recommending all electricity suppliers be required to obtain a percentage of their supply from renewable sources.
The report, Where Should the Green Choices Be Made published September 2006, was funded by Industry Canada. It is available at:

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Where Should the Green Choices Be Made endorses the “portfolio standard” requiring public and private retailers of energy including local distribution companies, ensure a target percentage of their electricity sold can be replaced by natural processes such as sunshine, wind, flowing water, biological processes or geothermal heat flow.
The PIAC study also suggest voluntary approaches such as green marketing will not have a enough impact to produce the desired results.
“Canadian policy makers must face the fact that market forces alone will not do the job. We need to develop new regulatory models,” says Michael Janigan, PIAC Executive Director and General Counsel.
The study examined approaches to encouraging the development and use of renewable energy in North American jurisdictions including details concerning the minimum renewable requirements in a number of American states.
Michael Janigan
Executive Director and General Counsel
Public Interest Advocacy Centre
(613) 562-4002×26

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