OTTAWA – 8 January 2018 – The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) today requested in a letter to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission that the CRTC hold a public inquiry into the sales practices of major telecommunications and broadcasting service providers, given recent media reports into potentially misleading and aggressive sales tactics.
John Lawford, PIAC’s Executive Director and General Counsel signed the letter on behalf of PIAC, which reads in part: “The nature of these allegations is so serious that a formal inquiry into the entire industry’s sales practices is required.”
Lawford stated today that: “We are concerned that such aggressive and potentially misleading sales practices are endemic in retail Internet, wireless, subscription TV and wireline telephone markets, in particular in relation to bundles offered by the major providers. We are therefore calling on the CRTC to publicly inquire into these practices to restore consumer trust and to craft any necessary rules to prevent further harm to consumers.”
A copy of the letter is found here.
If you wish to send PIAC your story of inappropriate, aggressive or misleading sales practices of telecommunications providers or subscription television providers, please use this form.
For more information please contact:
John Lawford
Executive Director
Public Interest Advocacy Centre
ONE Nicholas Street, Suite 1204
Ottawa, ON  K1N 7B7
(613) 562-4002 x25
(613) 447-8125 (cell)