Harry Gow

Harry Gow has advocated for public transport consumers for over five decades.. He founded Transport 2000 (Action)  Canada in 1976 and Transport 2000 Québec in 1977.  His work in social and health service management and in teaching  at Ottawa University led to him carrying  out a research-action project for Health Canada in Western Québec, leading to the creation of four county-wide rural transit systems. He was invited by the Mayor of Ottawa to take part in the creation of Ottawa’s light rail system. Throughout much of this activity he has been a member of the PIAC Board, and was its Chairman for several years. He was re-elected as Chair of the Board on 25 June 2021.

Leigha Worth

Leigha Worth is the Executive Director and General Counsel for BCPIAC. Previously, Leigha had a diverse legal practice in a variety of situations. She’s been a sole practitioner, a contract lawyer, in-house counsel, out-house counsel, and she was one of two founding partners of one of Vancouver’s most progressive union-side labour, employment, elections law, and utility regulation firms. She is a legal renaissance woman who is equally comfortable dealing with issues that touch on human rights, administrative, employment, utility regulation, criminal, prison, aboriginal, and constitutional law.

Jonathan Schachter

Jonathan Schachter is a Toronto based lawyer with Sotos LLP, with his practice areas including class actions, consumer protection litigation, competition and price fixing, privacy litigation, professional liability litigation, and trademarks and intellectual property litigation and arbitration.

Ken Rubin

Ken Rubin is an Ottawa-based public interest researcher, a citizens’ advocate, an author, a civil libertarian, and an organic farmer. He is a well known commentator on the right to information (RTI) and secrecy practices in Canada.

Fred Mills

Fred Mills is a tradesman and involved community volunteer in Ottawa. Over his long career he has been  employed by R. L. Crain Ltd/Crain-Drummond, in the printing industry, as a printing tradesman; as a volunteer, for 20 years, as an Assistant Probation Parole Officer; Ontario, Ministry of Correctional services. In addition, for 4 years, he was a volunteer with the Nepean Police Department; for 10 years, as part of the team developing “The Family Council Program”, Trillium Foundation/Toronto Self/Ontario Ministry of Health, Long term Care; for 2 Years, serving as a Director; C.R.Craig Memorial Library (Partnered with the Ottawa Public Archives). and for the last 40 years, serving on the executive of the Ottawa Valley Associated Railroaders.

Honourary Members

  • William H. Hurlbert
  • Michael Mac Neil
  • Andrew J. Roman