We explore the Canadian wireless industry’s best-kept secret (with CRTC help): their problem with SIM-swap fraud!

Link to episode: https://wefightforthat.simplecast.com/episodes/sim-swap-hide-and-seek-with-randall-baran-chong

Randall Baran-Chong, Co-Founder of Canadian SIM-swap Victims United (CSSVU) joins PIAC to explain his personal experience with fraudsters switching his cell service to a new SIM-card (twice!) and his advocacy for victims before the CRTC, the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology (INDU), in the media and with politicians. John Lawford, PIAC Executive Director and General Counsel, outlines PIAC’s ongoing regulatory and other efforts to shed light on the issue, despite regulatory headwinds. Even the politicians know that this is a big deal and one that should be fixed in a transparent way, as INDU’s Report on Phone Fraud makes clear – even supporting PIAC’s call for a public hearing of the CRTC into SIM-swap.

At the end of the episode, PIAC’s Tahira Dawood brings us up to date on airline refunds for COVID-19 cancellations. Looks like some Westjet customers may be out of luck.

SIM-swap links

Canadian SIM-swap Victims United (CSSVU): search Facebook for this group. You will be asked to show you are a victim of fraud.

Randall Baran-Chong’s Brief to INDU Committee:


INDU Committee’s Report on Phone Fraud (see recommendations 12 and 13 re: SIM-swap fraud:


CRTC’s much redacted inquiry into “Fraudulent Wireless Customer Transfers”:


Airlines COVID-19 Refunds – UPDATE

WestJet: Refunds due to COVID-19

Air Transat: Refunds of travel credits issued as a result of COVID-19

Sunwing: Refunds for Vacations cancelled due to COVID-19

Porter Airlines: Claim Your COVID-19 Credit Bonus, or Refund