The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) appeared at the stakeholder consultation meeting held by Industry Canada on April 11, 2008 in Ottawa regarding a Proposed Model for Data Breach Notification. At the close of this meeting, it was indicated that parties could submit final comments on the proposed model. PIAC submitted today its comments on the proposal. PIAC criticized the proposal for giving companies and other organizations that suffer a data breach the discretion to decide if the breach would cause “high risk of significant harm” to Canadians – a standard it said was so high as to be carte blanche. PIAC also noted that the proposal had no sanctions for companies that refuse to report to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada nor inform Canadians of data breaches. PIAC called into question likelihood of public knowledge on breach notifications in light of the lack of reporting requirements. For PIAC’s complete comments, please follow the link below.
PIAC Submission to Industry Canada Concerning Data Breach Notification Proposal
Download File: piac_submission_to_ic_re_pipeda_2008_apr_25_08.pdf [size: 0.06 mb]